Parent - Teacher Conference

Dear Grizzly Parents,
We are happy to announce Parent Teacher Conferences virtually next Wednesday, February
15th, and in-person on Thursday, February 16th from 4:00pm-7:30pm.

You may now sign up for appointments with teachers using your Skyward account using the
steps below:

- Login to the Parent Skyward Account (you cannot schedule through the student account)
- Select the "Conferences" button from the menu on the left side
- Select the "All Conferences" tab in the top middle of the screen
- You will now see a list of your student's classes. You will see "Select a Time" for each
teacher. Selecting this will open the menu of available appointments for that teacher, and you
can select any available time you prefer.

Please note that some teachers will have differing schedules based on their contracted hours.

Counselor Conferences: Appointments can be made to meet with your counselors via their
website →

Translating Services: If you are in need of a translator services during PTCs, one can be provided
for you. Please contact Ryan Robinson through email. [email protected]
Thank you so much! We look forward to seeing you here!