CHHS Lunch Monies

All money owed to the school for lunches needs to be paid as soon as possible. A lunch deficit may put a hold on your cap and gown and yearbook. Please pay on Skyward Family Access or bring in exact cash to place in the main office lunch drop box.

Parents of seniors with extra lunch money in their account will need to complete a refund request form, available in the main office, attendance office  or cafeteria. Parents may request the refund be transferred to a sibling’s account, donated to the school lunch program or refunded in the form of a check. Senior Lunch Refund Form

Refunds take about a month to be processed. All requests must be in writing and signed by a parent. Please turn in forms by May 20, 2021 to either the cafeteria or the drop box in the main office.

Thank you and have a great day!